Without Avicii; Emotion From an Artist’s Passing


Now that the dust has settled around Avicii’s passing, I wanted to share a few of my thoughts. Truth be told I wrote this about a week after the news was announced, but I felt that riding the news wave would have been disingenuous… or at worst made me an opportunist — fishing for clicks is an insult to someone’s memory.

Avicii’s passing was extraordinarily difficult for many people. Everyone had heartfelt thoughts out to his family and friends – those closest to the man in his life. Dealing with a passing of a close family member is a very complicated struggle of emotions. With that, when an artist passes, complete strangers will feel the effects as though they were a part of that family. As an artist Avicii has been able to bring the world together; to touch people in a way that they feel from friends and family – that’s the magic. Music and art have that ability – to really weave into your emotions and your being. When Avicii died, everyone his music touched felt the pain.

Music connects on so many deep levels with people— emotionally, physically, spiritually. It’s a creative medium that brings people to tears and invokes some of the most powerful memories. When a tune hits your ear it takes you back 15 years to an exact moment in time. You remember exactly where you were when you first heard a song and you’ll never forget it. They say scent is the most powerful sense tied to memory; for many that’s music. That’s why we turn to music when we’re sad, frustrated, or scared. It brings you comfort and happiness and drives away the feelings you want to get past or bury. There can also be a twist, I guarantee everyone will remember one Avicii song that will forever be tied to his memory. For me, it’s Without You, and this was unfortunately the first time I had heard that song.

I’m usually a very stoic person when it comes to this sort of thing but this death hit hard. Avicii was a massive inspiration for me as an amateur producer and I respected the hell out of his talent. At 28 years old Tim Bergling managed to become one of the biggest names in EDM past, present, and future. He was a rising star that I followed from the moment I heard Levels. He was such a meteoric success that when he first stepped away from the spotlight back in 2016, the world was shocked. He clearly had some demons to deal with and I respect the choices to step back and focus on one’s own health. I think that’s why I was so shook when the news broke this time. Part of me didn’t want to believe it, and another part was all too familiar with the realities of mental health and addiction.

I have friends who get mental health help. I have family who get mental health help. I get help for mental health. Did Tim get help? Did anyone else know what he was dealing with? Did anyone lend a hand? Did he ever just tell people what was really going on? These are not real questions with answers, but it’s what everyone will ask forever. It’s what everyone should think about if they are concerned for friends.

Anyway, I don’t know where to really go with this. I wanted it to be about Avicii, I wanted it to be a positive piece about mental health awareness. I wanted this to be a wake up call for others that are wavering to reach out for help. There are so many things that I selfishly want to come from this post, but it’s getting lost in a stream of thought. In the end, I want Avicii to inspire everyone one last time. I want everyone to seek the help they may need to win the battles they are fighting inside. You can’t overcome everything by yourself, that’s not how life works. From major corporate successes, to football, to mental health, the only crazy ones are the people that think they got to a good place by themselves.

I’m going to continue to grow. I’m going to continue to try and be a producer, and I will continue to be inspired by what Avicii leaves us all with.

If you or a loved one need help, please remember: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) is available 24/7 across the United States.

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