What is Your Production Excuse?


When you start out making music, there is always frustration or hesitation which results from a lack of knowledge. I don’t say ability because I really think that anyone can create something with the right knowledge. Beats can be pretty straight forward, but style and polish come from the creator. This is addressing a hindrance that people seem to have to getting started. This is in regards to beginners believing they can’t make music without the right equipment.


People generally make the assumption that the pro’s and other experts have 5 different keyboards and a passion for any electronic which can produce a sound. This isn’t a bad thing by any means. Deadmau5 is a well-known ‘gear head’ when it comes to music, and he’s the first to find a place for something new to his collection (he has scaled it down quite a bit from his old studio equipment, check his live stream for a new look).


During an “ask me anything” (AMA) on Reddit a few weeks back, a well-known producer, Flux Pavilion (real name Joshua Steele), was asked what he uses to produce in regards to his equipment. He mentioned that he has “a little Oxygen 25”(small midi keyboard), but  he prefers to “write with my mouse.”  Flux prefers to use a mouse to make his music. It doesn’t get much more bare-bones than that. He’s $15 away from using a track pad, and the man gets it done. He’s making some of the hottest beats on the planet right now, and all he’s uses is a mouse. Now it comes down to you, what’s your excuse?

Flux Pavillion headshot

A mouse, that’s all.

Go get it.

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